Food and Beverage Webinar - Recordings
Go Clear with AlfaFlash ZLD
Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) is a combination of technologies that work together to maximize wastewater management as much as is technically and economically practical, often resulting in a concentrated solid product and high-quality clean water for re-use or environmental discharge. Integrating a ZLD system into your process, increases your business resilience by reducing both cost and risk. ZLD works to secure control over your water source and waste disposal, reducing the influence of factors outside of your control. In many applications, ZLD can enable the creation of value products or energy-from- waste, significantly improving project economics. Overall, ZLD can help to align your profit and sustainability goals, making your business more robust and less vulnerable to outside change.
In this webinar you will learn about:
- How ZLD can improve your business
- The basics of Alfa Laval ZLD technology
- Case stories where ZLD is making a difference
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Introduction to HVO (RD) pretreatment
Pre-treatment of fats and oils for hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO, also known as renewable diesel), is an adaptation of fats and oils processing technologies delivered by Alfa Laval for many any decades, starting when Alfa Laval delivered the first high speed separator to the industry in 1893. Join this webinar to learn more about feedstock and pre-treatment processing options for production of HVO biofuels.
In this webinar you will learn about:
- Introduction to the various steps in the pre-treatment process
- Factors affecting pre-treatment process design
- What other considerations to bear in mind beyond the pre-treatment process
Introduction to vegetable protein processing
There is a growing interest in plant-based protein products and various feedstocks can be used to meet this demand. In this webinar, our vegetable protein expert will be talking about some of the basic approaches to plant-based protein processing.
You will learn about:
- Commonly used feedstocks & pretreatment in vegetable protein production
- Solutions to minimize the effluent from vegetable protein processing
- Alfa Laval’s offering within vegetable protein processing
Ensure optimal decanter performance
The performance of your decanter depends on proper and timely maintenance to avoid unplanned down-time. View this webinar to gain tips and tricks on how to maintain equipment performance and get the most out of your decanter installation.
In this free webinar you will gain insight into aspects such as:
- Daily / monthly decanter maintenance
- Preventive maintenance
- Predictive maintenance
- Service agreements
- Possible upgrades and much more
Solution to Palm Oil Mill Effluent
Treating palm oil mill effluent (POME) is a major challenge for many palm oil millers. Our evaporation specialist, Amol Hukkerikar, would like to share his knowledge about various solutions that treat POME and their benefits to palm oil mills. He will introduce an innovative solution that not only assists mills in achieving Zero Liquid Discharge, but also generates additional income by recovering oil from the POME.
In this free webinar you will learn about:
- Key issues faced by mills in treating palm oil mill effluent (POME)
- How innovative evaporation technologies can help tackle POME problems efficiently
- Benefits of the Alfa Laval POMEVap systems to palm oil mills and the environment
What can membrane technology do for your protein process?
Processing protein from a variety of sources is playing an increasing role in today’s landscape. Listen in on this webinar to learn more about how Alfa Laval’s sustainable membrane solutions can support you in optimising protein production.
In this free webinar, you will be presented with:
- The basics behind membrane filtration
- Relevant process steps in protein processes where membrane technology is applied
- Inspirational examples of applied membrane technology
In this session, our expert shares his insights about how predictive maintenance helps you avoid unexpected downtime and reduce your service costs.
You will learn:
- Why connected services and predictive maintenance are revolutionizing the industry
- How a predictive maintenance plan can ensure reliable uptime for your Alfa Laval decanter centrifuge
- How ConditionAlertTM can help you optimize service intervals to reduce costs
Insect processing
Alfa Laval and Bühler Insect Technology Solutions will present their innovative solutions for the industrial-scale processing of insects (black soldier fly larvae) into protein meal and lipids for food and animal feed applications.
In this session, you will learn about
- Why insects are important for the future global food chain and how insect processing can help in solving “the protein gap” and meeting organic waste-disposal challenges
- Innovative solutions for processing insects – from pilot scale to full-scale industrial plants.
- The different processing options today and their pros & cons
Sistemas para plantas de margarina
Você está procurando opções de investimento para o seu negócio de óleos vegetais? Nosso especialista Raffaele Baldini irá compartilhar com você
- As últimas tendências da indústria de óleos vegetais, como os fatores que impulsionam a crescente demanda por margarina
- Uma breve introdução à margarina e seu processo produtivo
- Principais desafios na produção de margarinas, como longo tempo de processamento, uso de aditivos, potencial falta de hidratação e muito mais
- Uma abordagem holística para solucionar os desafios da produção de margarinas
3-MCPD and GE mitigation issues
Our edible oil expert Alexey Shevchenko shares knowledge about the 3MCPD and GE issues and more.
In this session you will learn about:
- Introduction to the 3MCPD and GE issues
- 3MCPD mitigation in depth
- Process routes to GE mitigation
Decanter solid transportation and cleanability
Our experts Bjarne Ørgård Hansen and Kenn Honore Jepsen share knowledge about how to obtain high capacity and good cleanabilty in the food decanter processes.
In this session you will learn about:
- Capacity benefits from good decanter solids transportation
- The importance of decanter cleanability
- Trends and demands
- Introduction to SaniRibs